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CAI Western PA education session – nice to meet you!

Today brought the reinvigoration of CAI Keystone Chapter’s presence in Western PA. There are so many great resources in CAI for homeowner leaders (i.e., Board members and officers), management agents, and other professionals who work in the community association area. Austin Law Firm is proud to have been a sponsor of this morning’s event.

The event included 2 education sessions. The first session was an overview of community associations from Roman times to the present along with applicable statutes and the governing documents (Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions, Bylaws and Rules & Regulations). Sara A. Austin, Esq. of Austin Law Firm LLC led the second session on Best Practices in Conducting Association Meetings and Elections, including meeting notices, quorums, voting methods and rules of procedure. The engaging and fun presentation took attendees through a mock annual meeting, with references to applicable law and real-life pointers.

Austin Law Firm represents community associations in varying legal areas including turnover from the Declarant/builder, amending and interpreting the governing documents, collections, vendor contract review, enforcement, and litigation. Austin Law Firm provides services from offices based in York and Somerset to serve the needs of condominium and homeowner associations and cooperatives in Central and Western PA.