On March 7, 2023, Austin Law Firm LLC attended and was a sponsor of the managers’ symposium offered by the Keystone Chapter of Community Associations Institute (CAI). Why did Attorney Austin take the time to travel to the eastern part of the state the night before, pay for a hotel, set up a table, man the table and attend the symposium for 7 hours, and then travel back to Central PA? For several reasons. First, CAI is a great resource for condo and HOA owners, Board members, managers, and other professionals (such as Austin Law Firm LLC) who work as a team with the others mentioned for the good of the various communities. Second, educating managers only helps them better provide services to the communities they manage, including knowing when to get other professionals involved in a given matter. Finally, since Austin Law Firm works with over 25 condo and homeowners’ associations on a regular basis and probably double that number as issues arise in the associations, it is good to stay in touch with the other professionals with whom we work in tandem.
Austin Law Firm’s table offered giveaways, a door prize, and the opportunity to talk with Attorney Austin one on one about general community association matters or something more specific that a manager was dealing with at that time. Many managers took advantage of the latter!
If you live in a condominium or homeowners’ association – and especially if you are on the Board – and have questions about something that is or is not being done, or who has what maintenance responsibility, or whether the Bylaws or Rules & Regulations are legally compliant, or anything else related to the association, contact us.